Aunty Lola Ryan
My name is Lola Ryan, I am a Dharawal woman born in Sydney, and my family come from the La Perouse Aboriginal Community and lived on the La Perouse Aboriginal mission. I am the 9th child of 10 from parents Leslie Francis Ryan and Lola Delia Ryan (nee Page). Paternal Grandfather: Creswell Francis Ryan and Paternal Grandmother: Mabel Irene Ryan (nee Simms). Maternal Grandfather William John Page and Maternal Grandmother: Elizabeth Jane Page (nee Cooley).
My family was moved off the mission in 1968 after the Referendum in 1967 when our people were voted by the non-Aboriginal public to become citizens of our own country. The house was an Aboriginal Welfare Board house in Oorana Ave which was just up the road, I spent most of my life there, and my children still live there.
I married and had 3 children and now have 2 grandchildren. I became a single mother at the age of 31, 2 years after my 3rd child was born. That was when I wanted to work in job where I could make a difference for young Aboriginal families especially single parents as I knew what it was like to struggle.
I worked in factory jobs from the age of 15 until I was 25 years old and got the opportunity to work in my community of La Perouse as an Administration Officer for 20 years during that time I began to study Advanced Business, Business Planning and Accountancy at Tranby Aboriginal College in Glebe for 2 years. Then I became the Aboriginal Health Worker – Child and Family Health – South East Sydney Local Health District, a position I have held for 17 years and still working there.
I own my own home, something I am very proud of for my children to inherit so they won’t have to endure the struggles that I did. I am an artist and plan to retire soon so that I can enjoy my artwork, my mother and grandmother were shell work artists. I do some shell art but enjoy painting more.

Aunty Lola Ryan

Clockwise from back left, Aunty Rene Campbell, Aunty Mary Davison, Aunty Lola and Aunty Deidre Martin

Aunty Lola with her grandkids Cali and Aria

From left, Aunty Maxine Ryan, Aunty Wendy Simms, Aunty Lorraine Simms and Aunty Lola