Aunty Lorraine Lester
My name is Lorraine Lester (nee Longbottom) and I am a Bidjigal women from the La Perouse area. My paternal grandparents were George & Mary Longbottom from Coolongatta on the NSW South Coast and my maternal grandparents John Henry & Maude Simms of La Perouse. My parents were George & Phyllis Longbottom (nee Simms). I was born at Crown Street Women’s hospital when my parents were living on the former Aboriginal reserve at La Perouse and am one of ten children.
I attended La Perouse public school before going onto Daceyville High School. I married Ronald Lester also of La Perouse and together we had and raised 5 children. I started work straight out of high school and worked in various jobs in the local area before going to work in a community organisation.

Aunty Lorraine Lester

Aunty Lorraine's sister Helen Longbottom, right, and girls from the country visiting La Perouse

Photo taken inside the blue hall

School photo of Aunty Lorraine with class mates from La Perouse Public School. 3rd row, right hand side (Aunty Lorraine). front row- 4 in Janice Longbottom (Jano),6 in Judy Bashford & Lillian Timbery (Pittman)

John Henry and Maude, Aunty Lorraine's grandparents

Aunty Lorraine and her brother, George, at Yarra Oval

Street on the mission

Yarra Bay from Yarra Point

Bare Island viewed from behind Congwong Beach

Track near the beach at the mission

Yarra Bay and Yarra Bay House

Aboriginal village at La Perouse

Uncle Hubert Timbery and Aunty Holly Simms in front of the Roundhouse, the old sandstone that used to be a school

Newspaper article on the La Perouse community fighting an eviction move. Photos of the old mission and Aunty Lorraine Lester's father, George Longbottom

View of the mission

Boat sheds at Frenchmans Bay, 1930s

Large crowd at La Perouse on Bas Day, 1933

Fisherman Boat Shed 1959-60

Busy day at La Perouse beach

John Simms at La Perouse

George Longbottom at the Martin Place Cenotaph

George Longbottom at the Martin Place Cenotaph

George Longbottom at the Martin Place Cenotaph

From left, Henry Longbottom, Charlie Longbottom, Reynolds, Phylis Longbottom, John Cann and Frankie Ralf

Helen Longbottom, Aunty Lorraine's daughter, representing NSW Vigoro

Drawing of a boat on the beach in front of the Paragon and wharf

The Gum Leaf band at the La Perouse Convention - C. Edwards, J. Longbottom, T. Williams, W. Stewart and Roy Simms.

Biddy Giles, front row, middle, 1880

Women sitting near the wharf at La Perouse

La Perouse beach

Aunty Lorraine, far left, with her rugby team

The Flat on the mission

Down the back of the mission looking out to Botany Bay

Tram stop and the Rogers' house

Aunty Lorraine's first house on the old mission in the foreground, and second house third from front

Aunty Lorraine's house on the mission

Aunty Lola Ryan's family home on the mission

Wide view of mission with houses in the distance

Summer camp for country kids

The Bundy, tram stop

Frenchmans Bay from Yarra Point

Members of the board at the mission during summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Kids from the country at the mission on summer camp

Mr C. J. Buttsworth and Mrs Mary Griffiths, a cook who lived on the mission

The Simms house, John Henry Simms on right with boomerang, Uncle Bob Simms centre holding Aunty Marjorie Dixon's hand

Tram stop and the Rogers' house

George Longbottom, centre, with Chairman of the Aborigines Welfare Board, Mr Kingsmill, left, and Vice-chairman, Professor Elkin

Handing over of the keys for the homes at La Perouse, from left, Minister for Child Welfare and Social Welfare, The Hon. John L. Waddy, Irene Cooley, Connie Stewart and Phyllis Longbottom

Phyllis and George Longbottom, Aunty Lorraine's parents

Uncle Bob Simms posing with a boomerang

Rhonda Clarke and Gina Stewart, with a clown

The old ferry wharf

The old ferry wharf, collapsed into the bay after a big storm

View of Yarra Bay

Boatsheds on La Perouse beach

Building under construction on beach at La Perouse

This was said to be Aunty Lorraine's grandfather on her father's side

George Longbottom, left, and Vice-charman of the Aborigines Welfare Board, Professor Elkin

The Flat on the mission

Beach and boat sheds at La Perouse

The old cable station at La Perouse

The mission, maybe the flat

Members of the La Perouse community farewelling the manager of the mission, Mr Jenks.

La Perouse to Kurnell ferry sign

The Roundhouse

Aunty Lorraine, far left, with her rugby team